Kitten Information

Kittens are raised inside the house and get a lot of attention everyday. They stay with their mother until they leave to their new owner at the age of 13-16 weeks. At the age of 8-9 weeks they will receive their first vaccination and 3-4 weeks later, the 2nd vaccination. The kittens will  be implant with an ID chip and registered with TICA pedigree. Kittens shipped outside Malaysia  will also receive a rabies vaccination. All kittens will be sold with a contract.

Kittens are evaluated at the age of 6-8 weeks and then sold as pets, breeders and/or show quality kittens. Visiting the kittens is possible from week 4 after birth. In case you are interested in a specific kitten, a deposit of 250 (pet kittens) or 500 (breeder/show kittens) is required. This deposit is non refundable. We have the right to refuse selling a kitten to any individual if we feel they do not meet our standards.

To request for a breeder and/or show kittens, you should be listed in our waiting list. In case you are interested in a specific combination we can also put you on the waiting list. No deposit is required for this.

For more information regarding the prices, please contact us by email or phone or whatsapp.



Please feel free to enquire about this kitten. It will be on a first come, first served basis. We do not hold kittens without a deposit.


Means that someone is sending a deposit but it has not arrived yet - so you may enquire as the kitten may still become available.


Means that someone has put down the required deposit and this kitten is not available.

On Hold

Means that we are holding this kitten for further evaluation (until a specific age). However, feel free to enquire as it may become available.


Means that we are keeping this kitten for our own breeding program.

Show Quality

Show quality bengals display championship characteristics, and are considered the highest quality of Bengal cat. Championship characteristics for all breeds of cat are defined by TICA. However, we can not predict show successes.

Breed Quality

Breed quality bengals display some championship, but usually not enough to qualify as a show cat, but exhibit characteristics that are important for breeding (temperament, colour variation, or very distinct markings, or good instinct in females for raising kittens).

Pet Quality

Pet Quality Bengals are not show quality, but are bred to exhibit characteristics (good disposition, temperament, and healthy) that will make them great pets after being spayed or neutered in a home of a cat enthusiasts. However, those cats may have the looks that could be similar to a show cats.


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Nagahill Bengals is a home-based Bengal Cat Breeder since 2008 based in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Our foundation cats are selected from established breeder locally and from overseas. Our number one priority is to produce exceptional quality, healthy bengals with wonderful temperaments from the very best blood lines from US, Canada, UK & Russia.

It is advisable to join our waiting list if you are interested in a kitten for pet, show or breeding. We are happy to consider export and welcome your inquiries.



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